Thursday, May 08, 2008

Messages of Hatred

I have, in the past few weeks been able to attend a couple of the John Hagee World Hate Tour shows a.k.a. the 'Night to Honor Izrael'.

There are so many things wrong with this movement on so many different levels. It is hard to believe that it has caused such a great number of people to wander aimlessly into the wasteland of death. I cannot understand how people that claim such a merciful and just Savior refuse to practice the tenet of their faith. Please do not think that I am singling out 'Christianity' because if we look at the 'radical elements' of every faith we see a carbon copy or blueprint of similar behavior.

My first excursion was to Tulsa, Oklahoma to visit Victory Church under the tutelage of Billy Joe Daugherty. This being my first experience I came simply as an observer. I don't think that it is good practice to make statements without first doing the footwork or research to back up those claims. Having spent a great deal of the last 4 years studying Zionism, Christianity, American policy and politics I have learned far more than I had ever planned on learning about them.

I would have to say that the most disturbing event of the evening was the 30 minute hate-palooza I witnessed in Mr. Hagee's speech. I can't rightly classify it as a sermon because it did not have any of the points of an 'inspirational message'. If I were to describe it I would have to say that it fell somewhere between a 'state-of-the union' and a 'pep rally' from hell. All the buzz words and phrases were there. The Ahmadinejad-Hitler bomb was dropped within the first 3 minutes of the hatefest. People screaming and gyrating, waving flags and pumping their fists were startlingly reminiscent of Nationalistic Socialism during the 1930's in Germany and the photos and clips I have seen of Nazi Germany's rise. Why can they not see the similarities? Is that part of the phenomena of 'hypnosis' of the masses, psychoses on an unimaginable scale?

I left with a sense of awe that such a 'doctrine from the pits of hell' could be so enthusiastically embraced by such a magnitude of people.

Last weekend I traveled to Branson, Missouri. Wonderful vacation spot is you enjoy that type of entertainment. Beautiful country. This time I was armed with a flyer that I had printed out and some of Riad's bumper stickers. Still not sure how to approach this I meekly wound up putting the flyers on about 50 cars. I really want to address the people but I'm not sure what to say or how they will react. Hagee has done such a masterful job of convincing these people of this delusion that any attempt to educate them would most likely be deemed a form of 'terrorist mind control'.

I have to wonder, at least to myself, if there is a way to confront this monster. Time is clearly running out to make the declaration as to which side you will be standing on when the bombs start dropping. The people of Iran are in deadly danger from the United States and the Zionist element of Israel. Mr. Hagge, Rod Parsley, the Hagins, the Roberts', Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland, and Jesse Duplantis are among those that are obedient servants of Zionism. Sad to think of how many people they are leading astray with their teachings.

Anyway here is the text of the flyer I handed out and will most likely use in future efforts to try to get people to open up their eyes. Please feel free to use it if you like.

Putting Israel in Perspective

I would like to ask you to take just a few minutes to consider the information you are about to read. Please read it in its entirety, if you would like to research it further I encourage you to do so.

Much of what we see going on today is the agendas’ of men being carried out and an attempt to legitimize their actions by claiming to represent God or “God‘s will“. We ought to be careful in doctrines that oppose the teachings of Jesus and the nature of God.

If we assign to the Creator anything that does not reflect His nature then we are not doing justice to the position of ‘child of God’. As a parent do we not bring children up to share the beliefs we hold as individuals? And that child brings us great joy when we see that behavior manifested.

We dare not imagine that having the attitude of, “Do as I say, not as I do.” will resolve anything. If we are not good examples to our children they grow up rebellious and defiant.

If we direct our attention to the teaching of ‘the Prodigal Son’ we see that Jesus says that the true repentance of the child brought great joy to the father. Is it not written that God is, ’not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance’? The foolish child set his own desires above those of the father; he also pursued the distractions until he had completely exhausted his ‘inheritance’.

We ought to also look at the historical precedence of biblical information. If we look at how God dealt with disobedience through the Bible we will find that He has dealt with it severely yet had great mercy on those that repented from their disobedience. Look at the severity of judgment against King Saul yet the degree of mercy received by Saul of Tarsus. Both relationships are defined by the right relationship they held with God/ Jesus and the outcome of both reflected their obedience to the same.

If we look at the story of David and Goliath, David triumphed because Goliath boasted in the power of his ‘god’ over the true nature of the Creator. David’s victory was a result of obedience in a right relationship DESPITE the fact that Saul has already ceased to operate as king of Israel as a consequence to his disobedience. Saul/ Paul found mercy DESPITE the fact that he fervently sought to execute all who observed the teachings of Christ.

“Zionism” is purported to be , “the national aspiration for a Jewish homeland”, but in fact it is in direct opposition and disobedience to the revealed nature of God. God expressly says that OBEDIENCE must come first, then His blessing follows. The fruit of these people ought to be most obvious. Isaiah 5 clearly paints a picture of behavior in rebellion to the nature of God.
There was nothing ‘miraculous’ about the creation of a Zionist state, actually it was rather brutal and merciless. Contrary to popular myths Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in peace as neighbors before the advent of Zionist expansion.

Zionism is a political aspiration that serves secular men. How can that define the teachings of Christ or God‘s nature? Christ warned us of men who would appear as sheep but would be ravening wolves underneath. Zionism does not represent the nature of God OR Christ so how can we blindly follow it?

The Palestinian people have dwelt in the land since the time of Christ. If you look at the Samaritans, they were the people that continued to dwell in Judea after the Babylonian Exile. When the temple was rebuilt the Samaritans were ostracized and forbidden from worshipping in Jerusalem. Jesus spoke quite clearly on this matter also.

If we must abandon all the qualities of God’s nature, what will we become? If we do not stand firm on the rock of the teachings of Christ we shall have no other justification for our behavior. Let your voice be heard for those that cannot speak for themselves.

Yet our eyes failed;
Looking for help was useless.
In our watching we have watched
For a nation that could not save us.

Lamentations 4:17

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Riad was a genuinely caring person. I will miss him.

Riad was a caring, generous man who worked tirelessly for the needs of the Palestinian children and people. While money sent to various places in the world for different causes is rarely impeded the United States government, numerous times harassed Riad and refused to allow him to send donations to the Palestinian people. DHS and the FBI doggedly tried to make a case against him and he was the victim of attacks from Zionist 'news' sites, David Horowitz being one. The information surrounding his death is confusing, as is the reports of conversations with people close to him. Regardless of HOW he died, his life will leave a tremendous hole to be filled because the work MUST go on. The children and people of Palestine's lives depend on it. Marhaba and Shukran Riad. Goodbye my friend.
Here is an interview done with him concerning his work and harassment from 2003.

Odd Twists to Case Surrounding Body in Lady Bird Lake
4/17/2008 Newsroom

A body found along the north shore of Lady Bird Lake yesterday afternoon has been identified, but the way police say he ended up there presents its own set of odd twists. Witnesses at the scene Wednesday afternoon say the body, now identified as Riad Hamad, 55, an Austin Independent School District teacher, washed up at Festival Beach Park sometime before 2:00 p.m., when one young woman says she called 9-1-1. She told News Radio 590 KLBJ the man's body had been "wrapped with duct tape". Austin Police Sergeant Joseph Chacon confirms the man was bound with duct tape. "The bindings, although I cannot go into them extensively, it's possible that he could have done them to himself," Chacon says. "We have not ruled out that foul play might be involved. However, we have no indication right now that that is the case." Police say the case began on Monday as a missing person's case. Tuesday, APD was assisted by emergency management officials in a boat and helicopter search but turned up nothing. Then, Wednesday afternoon, the man's body was discovered. Investigators say it's not impossible that Hamad would have acted alone, although bizarre. "We spoke with several witnesses, including his family that said there have been extreme pressures in his life," Chacon says. "Initially when the report was made to us that he had gone missing, the family brought forth that he was experiencing suicidal thoughts." His car was found untouched on the south shore of Lady Bird Lake. Austin Police are asking anyone who may have been on either side of the lake late Monday night to call police with tips.

America's "war OF terror", 'al-qaeda', the CIA and the truth we refuse to see

I think there are some major misperceptions taking place in the world today. We really ought to be looking into the truth of the information rather than explicitly trusting politicians that are bought and paid for by their constituency, which is largely the same individuals that profit most from the continuation of war and foreign policy that is abrasive and caustic to long term goals of peace and cultural exchange in the societies of the world.

The information I am introducing is the result of painstaking research and dissecting disinformation and propaganda. When a government official makes a statement it should never be taken for granted that the individual has our best interests in mind or that he is going to be straightforward and forthcoming about the information he offers. As people that lay claim to 'the greatest democracy in the world' it ought to be an inherent trait to disprove and remove those men that deliberately decieve and cause harm to the 'democratic' underpinnings that have been handed down to us through our founding fathers. The opposite has become the norm.

This 'war OF terror' being waged by the militarist elements of the United States government (in proxy) on various countries around the world is a farce. It is a lie and construction of men that love money, especially the money war produces. It is the most lucrative market in human history. Let's look at some of the demographics first.

So far at least $500 BILLION dollars have been spent on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. These figures do not take into consideration the operations in Sudan, Pakistan, South Africa and other low key areas. $500 BILLION DOLLARS. That figures out to $275 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR FOR 5 YEARS! Can you even grasp the idiocy of that amount or the loss it represents? Figures released today put the number of 'al-qaeda' in Iraq between 2,000 to 6,000 members. That puts the spending per capita between $45,800 to as much as $137,500 DAILY! We are paying out $10,000 more than a teacher's annual salary daily to fight an imaginary enemy at the low end of the figure. The money represented here is just a fraction of what is actually spent. The budgets of other 'security' and clandestine operations groups such as Blackwater and Dyncorp are kept secret and are not even accounted for by our politicians so we can't even see the real figures.

Now let's look at the Iraqi deaths. Right now the conservative figure of 700,000 is offered. That figures out to 400 people PER DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR FOR FIVE YEARS! And this is 'acceptable' collatral damage? considering Saddam had NO WMD'S, he posed no threat to America, he WAS NOT seeking nuclear fissile material. 400 people per day are being slaughtered because of lies, distortions, and greed. What we are seeing is American energy policy in action, but it's more than that. Information for these statistics was drawn from here and here. If it is possible for God to weep I imagine we should be inundated any moment.

If we are going to get a right perspective about our nation's current conundrum we need to go back to the fall of Russia. Russia was fractured in the late 70's, early 80's in order to maximize the potential for petroleum extraction, and you were taught that it was all about the fall of 'communism'. How grossly naive. I have always wondered why, if communism was such a threat to America, didn't it enter into WWII on the side of Germany because it was Hitler not England that was fighting the spread of communism in Europe. Perhaps because it was NEVER about communism anyway. Back to the present. In the late 70's America was recruiting Muslims to fight against Russia to further its dissolution. When the states began to peel away from Russia they were areas around the Caspian Sea which had access to large reserves of petroleum. They were replaced by 'democracies' loyal to America petroleum companies just as was the case in petroleum extraction in South America. To this day an office of Baker Botts is located in Azerbaijan and deals exclusively with petroleum production legalities, where James Baker(ex-Chief of Staff, Sec of the Treasury, & Sec of State) sits on the Honorary Council of Advisers. He also served on the board of the Carlyle Group which is the largest military defense industries holder on the face of the earth and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Azerbaijan happens to be where one of the pipelines originated from on the west side of the Caspian Sea. A documentary called 'Extreme Oil' (circa 2004 via PBS) confronts a great deal of the actions of our government in foreign countries where petroleum is a prized resource. It also reveals the consequences of 'American intervention' by using military troops in the dual role of "training foreign troops and protecting the petroleum pipelines". THAT is what American troops are doing in Iraq right now. That and keeping the next progression into Iran near simmering.

The United States CIA is using 'al-qaeda' the same way they used the Contras in the 80's. The CIA from its earliest days has been used to import drugs into America and use those profits to further fund their clandestine operations. CIA DRUG LINK TRILLIONS of American taxpayer's dollars are spent each year supporting 'foreign policy' that is hazardous to other countries of the world and detrimental to the development of true democracies. Quite to the contrary American militarism has been single handedly the greatest threat to true representative democratic societies for the last 100 years. Here is one of the most revelatory films made in recent history that exposes the lie of 'al-qaeda' and the CIA's involvement with even its base structure. One of the important things that should be drawn from this film is that radical Islamists realized the failure of 'radical Islam' to incite the masses, therefore the proponents of the radical ideologies carried out are operating under the premise that it has become acceptable, which it still hasn't. The series called,"The Power of Nightmares" (produced by the BBC) explains a great deal about the tools and methods of the people that are the greatest threats to America and the world.

When you begin to understand the events and their importance you begin to see that Sept. 11, 2001 wasn't an 'attack on our freedoms' but an escalation of policy already in place. You might think that because you believe in America the 'feelings' are reciprocal. It couldn't be further from the truth. There is another 'event' not far down the road that will be used to solidify American 'resolve'(read imperialism) into hatred which will lead to its invasion of Iran.

Bad news #1

Bad news #2

Now this might not seem like the 'issue' it really is on the surface but there really is more to it. You see the recent article in Esquire magazine that covers the admiral's resignation was written by a very interesting figure. The author of the article was a Thomas P. Barnett. Mr. Barnett is a consultant and strategic planner for national security affairs, so what is he doing writing an article about the demise of a admiral that was heralded as the last great firewall preventing an attack on Iran? Well, Mr Barnett has harbored some obliquely fascist ideologies in a presentation he used to tour America on called, "Life After DoDth or: How the Evernet Changes Everything". He has authored a couple of rather interesting books while doing all of this 'consulting' 'strategic planning' 'stuff'. "The Pentagon's New Map-A Future Worth Creating" and "The Pentagon's New Map- War and Peace in the 21st Century" paint a clear picture of a governmental department transforming the militaristic outposts of the American Empire into training grounds for 'boots on the ground' in a global 'police force' using every technological advantage to ensure the protection of resources and power. Enter the National Applications Office and other erosions of America's right to privacy and sound leadership. If that doesn't sound like a 'terrorist training camp' I don't know what does. Mr. Barnett seems almost apologetic in his recent blog entry concerning the 'image' his article presented. It seems he is hesitant as to the sense of alarm he has created but I have to wonder if he was not genuinely aware of it while writing the material he has for so long embraced. The next step is going to drag America further into a war OF terror that it has created itself in order to justify Empire.

IF we as Americans chooses to remain ignorant and blind to the truth it will have severe detrimental effects on mankind as well as the continuity of our own civilization.

If, in the dying light of the Bush administration, we go to war with Iran, it'll all come down to one man. If we do not go to war with Iran, it'll come down to the same man. He is that rarest of creatures in the Bush universe: the good cop on Iran, and a man of strategic brilliance.

It's no longer "if" but a matter of when. Before the end of the year?
Time is running out.